Diamond is a superb material for spectroscopy as diamond is inert, has a broad transmission and is compliant for use in the food industry. It can be used as an element for attenuated total reflectance, or can be mounted in a transmission cell.
A Raman laser is similar to any other laser but with the amplifier medium based on Raman scattering instead of stimulated emmision from excited atoms or ions. This type of laser is an attractive choice as with the right pump wavelenght any lasing wavelenght can be achieved, as long as both are within the transparency region of the lasing material. With the use of diamond, having the longest Raman shift of all materials, it is clear that this opens up a whole range of new possibilities within e.g. medical and defence applications.
When using radiation detectors for both particles and UV radiation, diamond is the material of choice. The fact that diamond is extremely resistant to radiation damage and moreover the fact that diamond is a semiconductor makes it an ideal candidate for even the toughest detector applications. For the attachment of the contacts we can have the parts metallised for you.
With the introduction of Vecsels the disadvantage of a non-Gaussian beam for edge emitting semiconductor laser has been overcome. In this type of lasers diamond is used for its excellent thermal conducting properties to cool the chip and at the same time its transparence enables the transmittance of the light into the laser cavity. With the use of a diamond optical heatsink the highest power with a Vecsel has been achieved.
With the introduction of Vecsels the disadvantage of a non-Gaussian beam for edge emitting semiconductor laser has been overcome. In this type of lasers diamond is used for its excellent thermal conducting properties to cool the chip and at the same time its transparence enables the transmittance of the light into the laser cavity. With the use of a diamond optical heatsink the highest power with a Vecsel has been achieved.